
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Grave Danger: Spot and Rip Jaw

These are new characters for the continuing book making project for Justin and Leo.
The story becomes really exciting, and we are moving onto a new chapter! I can't wait 'till it all becomes together.


Rip Jaw


Rip Jaw


  1. What medium did the kids use to make the characters? They look professional.

  2. They used 2B for sketching, and acrylic paints for the final product. Thank you so much for your interest; kids will be excited!

  3. Dear Artistme,

    I am wondering if you are going to update this post more. It's really interesting. I like how both the kids used different styles of art for their characters, and at the same time, they incorperated some basic knowledge about dogs to fit the dog inside the gleaming armor.

    But then again, in the other Grave Danger projects, I have noticed that there are funny looking dogs. They are cute, I have got to admit, but the simple bits and pieces of work here and there makes them funny, creative, and simple works of art. Finally, I like how they switch mediums every single time they do artwork.

    Thank you for posting, I can't wait what happens next!

  4. Thank you for your interest in this big, on-going project. And yes, they made some progress on this last class, so I'll post them very soon. There are a few more things that the students need to finish up.
