
Friday, October 7, 2011

Tree Project


My husband recently purchased a 60 inch television, which he claimed was for the family (who's he kidding--it was for him!); to me, the best part of the television was the cardboard box it came in.  While my husband was watching another high-definition episode of American Chopper, I stared at the cardboard, and decided to outline a tree!

For those of you who don't watch American Chopper, it's about a family that designes motor bikes.  I'm not crazy about the show, but I'm interested in the show's attempt to balance an artist's vision versus business goals and demands (something that I'm sure all of us can relate with).  While my husband was fascinated with the tension, I started cutting my tree outline with an exacto knife.  With each cut, I liked what I was seeing.  

At the end of the American Chopper episode, Paul Junior had created a mind-blowing one-of-a-kind chopper.  And with each cut, my tree continued to grow: more branches ... a root base ... imagine what could be placed on the branches? ... so, even more branches (especially up top) ... hmmm, how about transforming it into a 3 dimensional piece ... how about cutting a slit in the middle of the multiple pieces and creating a free-standing tree piece? .... on and on ... and when all was said and done, here's what turned out!  

Being satisfied with the result, I brought the tree to my Montessori art class.  The reaction from the kids was priceless!  Something about trees in general, and perhaps the size of this particular tree, and its three dimensional quality--it all truly inspired the kids to decorate the tree with colorful owls, leaves, bunnies, they wanted to create a stream next to the tree, squirrels, and they kept chiming in with more and more ideas.


They each took pictures next to the tree, and it remains in the classroom today--continuing to inspire ideas, and giving the students a genuine sense of accomplishment.  


              Ta Da!  I love how it turned out.  The tree was made possible by, among other things, the creative genius of the Montessori kids, my husband's wish to own a ridiculously large television, and an all new episode of American Chopper!


  1. Thanks! It takes time and effort, but it all pays off when you see the smile on the kids' face.

  2. Really nice Idea. I love using cardboard. This one might get a run at our place. Thanks

  3. That'll be awesome! I would love to see it when you do...please send me a picture. I hope your kids have as much fun as you with the project.

  4. Your writing skills are really fun! I wish I had as much modivation as you!

  5. Thanks, Kelly! I am glad you enjoyed my writing. I think I should thank my husband for motivating me for this one!

  6. I love your tree! And I am so glad to meet another person who loves cardboard boxes!

  7. Awesome! And so am I! My next project with cardboard box is a play theatre, how about you?
