
Friday, October 14, 2011

Katherine's second Acrylic Painting

This is the still life objects I set up for Katherine's second acrylic painting.
I kept the color scheme limited, and Katherine's pallet will be limited.

She made a sketch, starting with covering up the background; her pallet is consisted of black, white, blue, and yellow ocher.

Katherine paints with light and dark in mind first, and distributes the colors all around.

You can see the forms, the light source and the shade, and beautifully used colors.

One thing bothered was the diagonally cut, long, and kind of dull looking background. So, we decided to add some fun elements. We pasted floral pattern paper on the background.

Do you see the triangular shape right above the drapery on the left? It looked better bright, so Katherine decides to extend pasting the patterned paper.

Here's where she's at. Starting all over again with the background.

After one week, Katherine sees how it's all going to come together. She's almost there!

by Hannah

I'm working with Katherine suggesting the background should be as exciting but not overpowering. 

by Hannah

I'm almost done with my owl painting too.

After 5 classes of hard work, Katherine is happy to announce that she is done!
We have completed our acrylic paintings; we learned a great deal of creating an interesting background for the still life objects keeping in overall ambiance in mind.

 by Katherine

by Hannah

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