
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Hear the Smell, See the Taste, Touch the Sound!

So what are these images? They represent flavors, food, emotions--

and the challenge was to express it without using familiar images. 

I learned recently of unusual abilities in some individuals whose 5 

senses intermixed to feel texture in numbers, smell feelings, see

smells, etc., and the way they described their senses was simply

fascinating. Some of them created art, and it simply blew me

away--a strange familiarity in their images that simply couldn't be

described. I realized that the senses, if intermingled, and if we

trained our brain to utilize more of our senses, could lead to

unexplored and wild creative directions! That's what I tried to tap

during this week. The images below are absolutely beautiful, and I

hope it helped the students tap into a previously unexplored

creative energy

Plum, Leah (7yrs)

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Watermelon, JJ (8yrs)

Lemon, Brandon (7yrs)

Pineapple, Leah (7yrs)

Watermelon, Leslie (7yrs)

Spicy, Leah (7yrs)

Bitter, Yena (7yrs)

Sour, Emily (7yrs)

Sweet, Eubin (5yrs)

Sweet, Helen (7yrs)

Salty, Alexis (10yrs)

Sweet, Justin (9yrs)

Sour, Leah (7yrs)

Pumpkin, Victoria (8yrs)

Orange, Lena (8yrs)

Sweet, Sarah (7yrs)

Tamago Sushi, Justin (11yrs)

Kimchi Chigae, Joanne (13yrs)

Watermelon, Ana Maria (12yrs)

Sweet Beans, Ryan (12yrs)

Spicy and Sweet, Leo (11yrs)

Class Picture

Class Picture

Class Picture

Class Picture